
So, what's the deal with my religion?

I wish I had a simple answer for that question. Unfortunately things get weird, unusual, and vague with me

I believe in a god, that's what I know for certain. I also believe that in some way she is a woman or at least nonbinary and feminine/aligned with femininity in some way. As for why? Idk gut feeling. In some ways, my beliefs probably match up with Christianity to an incredibly vague extent. But my god can not interfere with the living directly and is only an observer of the living. That being said she does guide the fallen to the afterlife. Now that's all reasonable to most people probably. probably. But this is where my alterhuman/otherkin/therian beliefs explain a lot about my religion and directly tie in so I'll explain that next.

Alterhuman/Otherkin/Therian Beliefs

In the terminology my fellow nonhumans are probably familiar with, I am angel wolfkin! What does that mean??? I'm literally an angel wolf. Like. Just an angel who typically takes the form of an arctic wolf with a halo and wings and exhibits both angel and wolf behaviors. Y'know I preen my wings, I howl at the moon and what not. Here's how that mixes in with my religion: I was sent here by my god to spread justice and to help humans and my fellow nonhumans find purpose, as well as to protect and guide a few special people (the whole guardian angel think y'know.) My god cannot interfere directly with the mortal world as previously mentioned, so she sends angels down to help. However, that's only possible in a human vessel. So. I'm stuck here for a while now.

Angel Behaviors

"You mentioned angel behaviors, what do you mean?" Angels have many different interpretations in different texts and mythos, my behavior and what I remember may be different from those, as well as different from even what other angelkin remember. For me, angels are similar to many species of birds. Most of us have wings of some form, and so we molt frequently and preen our feathers :) Preening each other's feathers is a common way of bonding with other angels! I and others also have a tendency to make chirping and whistling noises similar to birds or repeat phrases. Honestly list a bird behavior and there's at least an 85% chance it's also an angel behavior. We are also able to change our forms at will, although most angels typically have a "default" form that they prefer, or appear as more often.

Thoughts on Religion in General

I think organized religion is almost always inherently harmful. Or it at least is pretty much entirely unpreventable from becoming extremely harmful. But I think the problem stems mainly from anyone within a religion being regarded as "higher up" or "closer to god". Religion is different for everyone and many people use it to try to push their own agenda.. to the point where they edit religous texts to push their own agenda.. and even then.. how can you be sure that the people who were apparently spoken to by their god didn't edit what god said when creating those texts? I don't think its wrong for people to gather and have a community with people who share similar beliefs, but no one should ever be "more right" or like literally "second to god" that creates unhealthy power dynamics, harm, and people literally just saying that everything they think is god's will. Summmary: you do you boo but no one is better at your religion than you and you're not better at your religion than anyone else. Thinking so is harmful. Doing harm is bad.